What Material Holds Essential Oils Best

2024-06-18 14:41:21


At zyxwoodencraft, we specialize in bamboo essential oil holders that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical for storing and preserving essential oils. In this blog article, we will explore different materials and their ability to hold essential oils effectively. Understanding the best material for holding essential oils will help you make an informed decision when selecting storage solutions for your precious oils.

1. Glass

Most people agree that glass is the best material for storing essential oils. There are a few justifications for why glass holders are liked over different materials:

1. Non-reactive: Glass is non-receptive, meaning it doesn't synthetically cooperate with the natural balms. This guarantees that the virtue and remedial properties of the oils stay in salvageable shape with no undesirable responses or changes.

2. Impermeable: Glass is resistant to light, moisture, and air. By preventing oxidation and degradation caused by oxygen and UV radiation, this helps to preserve the essential oils' integrity and potency. It likewise guarantees that the smell of the oils stays predictable.

3. Inert: Glass is an inactive material, and that implies it delivers no destructive substances or synthetic compounds that can taint the essential oils. This is especially significant as specific oils can break up or respond with plastic or metal essential oil storage  rack, prompting tainting and potential wellbeing gambles.

4. Water/air proof fixing: Glass compartments can be firmly fixed, giving an impermeable climate. This keeps oxygen from entering and causing oxidation, which can debase the nature of the oils. It likewise helps in forestalling vanishing, guaranteeing that the oils stay at their ideal fixation.

5. Simple to clean: Glass is ideal for reuse because it is simple to clean and disinfect. Glass containers, in contrast to other materials, do not retain odors or residues from previous oils, making it possible to store a variety of essential oils safely and effectively without risk of cross-contamination.

To boost the advantages of involving glass compartments for essential oils, it is prescribed to store them in a cool, dull spot, away from direct daylight and outrageous temperatures. This further contributes to the preservation of the oils' freshness and extends their shelf life.

By and large, glass gives a protected, tough, and non-receptive material for putting away essential oils, guaranteeing that their restorative properties and fragrant characteristics are safeguarded for a more drawn out timeframe.

2. Metal

While glass is ordinarily viewed as the best material for putting away essential oils, particular kinds of metals can likewise be appropriate for this reason. Nonetheless, it's critical to take note of that not all metals are suitable for long haul stockpiling of essential oils. Here are a few elements to consider while evaluating the reasonableness of metals:

1. Hardened Steel: Excellent tempered steel holders are frequently utilized for transient capacity or transportation of essential oils. Hardened steel is non-receptive and impervious to consumption, which keeps up with the immaculateness and trustworthiness of the oils. It is fitting to pick compartments produced using food-grade tempered steel to guarantee wellbeing and forestall any draining of possibly unsafe substances.

2. Aluminum: Even though aluminum is light and durable, it is generally not recommended for essential oil storage for a long time. This is on the grounds that aluminum can respond with specific oils, possibly modifying their organization and diminishing their restorative advantages. Additionally, aluminum is susceptible to oxidation, which may eventually have an impact on the oil's quality.

3. Tin: Tin compartments can be reasonable for putting away essential oils, particularly in the event that they are fixed with a defensive covering or produced using food-grade tin. In any case, similar to aluminum, metal can likewise respond with specific oils, so guaranteeing similarity prior to utilizing tin containers is significant.

4. Avoiding Metals That React: It is vital to try not to store essential oils in that frame of mind from receptive metals like copper or iron. These metals can undoubtedly respond with the oils, prompting pollution and possible corruption of the oils' properties.

No matter what the sort of metal utilized, it is prescribed to store essential oils in dull shaded compartments to shield them from light corruption. Additionally, the oils' quality will be preserved by properly sealing them and storing them in a cool, dry location.

Certain metals, such as high-quality stainless steel or lined tin, can be suitable for short-term storage or transportation, but glass remains the preferred option for long-term essential oil storage due to its non-reactive and impermeable nature. It is urgent to consider the particular properties of both the metal and the rejuvenating balm to guarantee similarity and keep up with the oils' helpful advantages.

3. Dark-Colored Plastic

Typically, essential oils should not be stored for an extended period of time in containers made of dark-colored plastic. While glass is the favored material, specific kinds of plastics can be appropriate for momentary capacity or travel purposes. Here are a few contemplations with respect to dull shaded plastic essential oil storage  rack:

1. Light Insurance: Containers made of plastic with a dark color, like cobalt blue or amber, can protect some from light degradation. UV rays can oxidize essential oils and diminish their beneficial properties, making them vulnerable to damage. Dim shaded plastics help to shut out a part of the light range, decreasing the openness of the oils to UV beams.

2. Selection of Materials: It is significant to pick top notch plastics that are explicitly intended for putting away essential oils. Search for plastics marked as PET (polyethylene terephthalate) or HDPE (high-thickness polyethylene), which are more steady and less inclined to respond with the oils. Try not to utilize plastics marked as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or LDPE (low-thickness polyethylene), as they might interface with the oils and possibly pollute them.

3. Momentary Capacity: Containers made of dark-colored plastic may be suitable for immediate use or short-term storage, such as when traveling. However, it is essential to keep in mind that essential oils may still interact with plastic over time, which could result in the leaching of chemicals or the degradation of the plastics. Consequently, it is fitting to move the oils to glass compartments for long haul stockpiling to guarantee their security and immaculateness.

4. Correct Handling: It is essential to handle dark-colored plastic containers with care and to keep them out of direct sunlight and heat. Plastics may be more susceptible to temperature fluctuations, which may result in chemical leaching or container degradation. The containers should be kept somewhere dry and cool, away from heat.

Glass is still the best option for long-term essential oil storage due to its non-reactive and impermeable properties, even though dark-colored plastic containers can provide some light protection. If you decide to use plastic containers, make sure they are made of high-quality materials designed specifically for essential oil storage. If you want to store the oils for longer, you might want to move them to glass containers.

Contact zyxwoodencraft

If you are in search of high-quality bamboo essential oil holders, zyxwoodencraft has a wide range of options for you. Reach out to us at sherry@zyxwoodencraft.com for more information and personalized assistance in choosing the perfect essential oil storage solution for your needs.


Choosing the right material for holding essential oils is crucial in maintaining their quality and efficacy. Glass containers are the preferred option due to their non-reactive nature and ability to protect oils from air and light exposure. Metal containers, specifically designed for storing essential oils, can also provide excellent protection. While dark-colored plastic containers can be used for short-term storage, it is important to be aware of their limitations. At zyxwoodencraft, we prioritize the preservation and storage of essential oils through our bamboo essential oil holders.


  1. Aroma Essentials - A Guide to Storing Essential Oils

  2. Discover LSP - All About Essential Oil Bottles

  3. EO Products - How to Store Essential Oils
