How do you protect a wooden ashtray?

2024-06-18 14:26:00

What is the Best Finish for Wooden Cigar Ashtrays?

With regards to picking a finish for wooden cigar ashtrays, there are a couple of elements to consider. The finish should not only protect the wood from moisture and stains but also enhance its natural beauty. Normal finishes for wooden cigar ashtrays incorporate the accompanying:

  • Varnish: Varnish is a popular finish for wooden ashtrays because it is long-lasting and protects the wood. It makes a hard, gleaming covering that assists with repulsing fluids and forestalling staining. To construct a thicker layer of protection, varnish can be applied in multiple coats. It additionally improves the normal tone and grain of the wood.

  • Polyurethane: Polyurethane is another durable and water-resistant finish option for wooden ashtrays. It forms a hard, clear coat that protects the wood from moisture and stains. Polyurethane finishes come in different sheens, (for instance, satin, semi-gloss, or high-gloss) extraordinary consideration of individual tendencies.

  • Shellac: Shellac is a traditional finish made from natural resins. It provides a warm and lustrous appearance to the wood. Shellac is easy to apply and dries quickly, making it a convenient option for ashtrays. 

  • Tung oil: Tung oil is a characteristic oil obtained from the seeds of the tung tree. It enters the wood, upgrading its normal magnificence and giving a defensive layer. Tung oil completes are known for their durability and water opposition. Multiple coats can be applied to accomplish a more significant level of security

  • Lacquer: Lacquer is a fast-drying finish that forms a hard and glossy coating. It provides excellent protection against moisture and stains. Lacquer finishes can be sprayed or brushed on, giving a smooth and professional look to the ashtray.

While picking a finish for your wooden stogie ashtray, taking into account the planned use is significant. Because cigar ashtrays may be subjected to heat and moisture, it is essential to select a finish that resists heat and repels water. Also, think about how the finish looks and how it matches the color and grain of the wood.

Prior to applying any finish, guarantee that the wooden ashtray is spotless, sanded, and liberated from residue or trash. Adhere to the producer's guidelines for application, including suitable drying times and suggested number of coats.

How Can I Clean and Maintain My Wooden Cigar Ashtray?

Appropriate cleaning and maintenance of your wooden stogie ashtray are fundamental to guarantee its life span and keep it putting its best self forward. You can clean and care for your wooden cigar ashtray in the following ways:

  • Regular cleaning: After each utilization, eliminate any debris and garbage from the ashtray utilizing a delicate brush or material. This helps prevent buildup and keeps the wood surface clean. Avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch the wood.

  • Gentle wiping: Wipe the ashtray's surface with a slightly damp cloth or sponge for routine cleaning. Avoid using excessive water as it can damage the wood. Dry the ashtray thoroughly after cleaning to prevent moisture absorption.

  • Avoid harsh chemicals: Refrain from using harsh chemicals or solvents to clean your wooden ashtray, as they can strip away the finish or damage the wood. Stick to mild dish soap diluted in water if necessary.

  • Stain removal: You can use a mild cleaner made for wood surfaces to remove stubborn stains or residue from the ashtray. Apply a small quantity to a soft cloth and tenderly rub the stained area. Make a point to wash off any cleaner buildup and dry the ashtray properly subsequently.

  • Conditioning the wood: To keep the wood in good condition, apply a wood conditioner or oil periodically. The wood won't dry out or crack as a result of this keeping the moisture balance in check. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and frequency.

  • Protect from heat and moisture: Ashtrays made of wood should be shielded from moisture and excessive heat. To avoid leaving burn marks, do not place hot cigars directly on the wood surface. Additionally, to prevent the wood from warping or swelling, keep the ashtray out of high-humidity areas.

  • Store properly: Keep your wooden ashtray dry and cool when not in use. Stay away from exposure to direct sunlight, as it can make the wood to fade or warp over time. To hold dust back from developing, you could place it in a shut bureau or cover it with a defensive cover.

  • Reapply finish if necessary: Over time, the finish on your ashtray may wear off or become dull. If this happens, you can consider reapplying a fresh coat of finish to protect the wood and restore its appearance. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for refinishing or consult a professional if needed.

By following these cleaning and upkeep tips, you can guarantee that your wooden stogie ashtray stays in phenomenal condition and keeps on furnishing you with long stretches of enjoyment.

Dealing with Climate Changes: Can Wooden Ashtrays Withstand Outdoor Use?

Wooden ashtrays can be used outdoors with proper care and maintenance. Here are some considerations to help them withstand outdoor use:

  • Choose the right wood: Choose a hardwood that is known for being long-lasting, like cedar or teak. These woods have normal protection from dampness and bugs, making them more suitable for open-air conditions.

  • Apply a weather-resistant finish: Before using the ashtray outdoors, apply a high-quality outdoor-grade sealant or varnish. This will give an extra layer of assurance against dampness, UV beams, and other outside components. Reapply the finish periodically as recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Protect from direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can make the wood blur or dry out. Place the ashtray in a concealed region, utilize a canopy or umbrella, or consider utilizing a defensive cover when not being used.

  • Shield from rain and excessive moisture: Moisture is the primary concern for wooden ashtrays. Keep them protected from rain by placing them under covered areas or using a weatherproof cover. Wipe off any accumulated moisture promptly to prevent long-term damage.

  • Regular cleaning and maintenance: Clean the ashtray regularly, removing any ash, debris, or stains. Use a soft brush or cloth and mild soap diluted in water. Dry the ashtray thoroughly after cleaning to prevent moisture retention.

  • Inspect for damage: Check the ashtray consistently for any indications of damage like breaks or splinters. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

  • Consider seasonal storage: Expecting that you live in a space with cruel winters or outrageous weather patterns, it may be reasonable to store the ashtray inside during those seasons to shield it from likely damage.

While these precautions can help extend the lifespan of a wooden ashtray for outdoor use, they may still be more susceptible to wear and tear compared to materials like metal or ceramic. Monitoring its condition and taking appropriate care will ensure its longevity.


At zyxwoodencraft, we figure out the significance of custom cigar ashtray. With extraordinary materials and finishes, our ashtrays are planned to be reliable and durable. In the event that you have any solicitations or need help with picking the right wooden ashtray, go ahead and contact us at


  1. Cigar Aficionado - Wood Ashtray Care

  2. Fine Woodworking - How to Finish a Wooden Ashtray

  3. The Home Depot - Best Type of Finishing to Use for Outdoor Wood Furniture
